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Canadian doctor serving Canadians needing an MRI scan.
The short answer is, no. The PSA is a blood test that can indicate a prostate problem. Doctors typically do a blood test on men over the age of 40 to determine if their PSA is normal for their age. PSA levels are not specific for prostate cancer. Elevated PSA levels can be caused by noncancerous conditions such as age-related enlargement, inflammation, infection and even lab error. Certain activities, such as riding a bike or having sex can trigger a temporary increase in PSA. 90% of men with abnormal PSA levels end up not having prostate cancer. In addition, 15% of men with normal PSA levels will have prostate cancer.
The Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) is not reliable for detecting prostate cancer. The doctor can only feel the surface of the gland closest to the rectal wall, missing small tumors located more deeply where many prostate cancers start. DRE is neither thorough nor accurate.
If your PSA is elevated and your MRI is normal, you may not need a biopsy.
If a high PSA or abnormal DRE raises concerns, it’s important to determine if a biopsy is needed. The next step is to obtain an accurate image of the gland. Ultrasound can provide detailed images of the anatomy of the prostate gland but is not sensitive in detecting cancer. Proscan 3T mpMRI performed by our expert team is the best diagnostic imaging test to detect cancer. If Proscan 3T mpMRI rules out cancer, it can avoid additional testing (e.g. biopsy). If, however, a suspicious area is seen, the Proscan 3T mpMRI data is used to perform a targeted biopsy for the most accurate diagnosis possible.
Early prostate cancer has no symptoms. Early detection of a suspicious area results in more accurate diagnosis, enhanced treatment decisions and better outcomes.
Our 3T Multi-Parametric MRI provides our Canadian patients the most accurate information about what’s going on in their bodies. You should consider a ProScan 3T mpMRI Prostate Cancer screening test for early detection before other testing if you have: